Sunday 7 April 2013

Short Stories

I have uploaded a few recent-ish stories to my blog.

These are stories I've now decided not to publish in magazines. After I had a story published (my first ever submission!), I thought anything I'd send anywhere would get accepted. Wrong. Everything has been rejected.

This has frustrated me a little. I've abstained from publishing them online in the past, but I've now realised that it's the only way they'll get read.

These stories, I guess, are a middle-ground. They aren't the best pieces of written, so I've now decided I won't try to publish them. But they aren't bad enough to make me embarrassed, either.

You can access them via the navbar, on the right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Never give up. You will be published again. It took me 10 years to get my writing career off the ground.

Keep calm and carry on writing.