Saturday 7 April 2012

Communist life

Talking Heads (1980) by Kryzsztof Kieslowski


Sofia said...

There's a lot of interesting insight here. I wish kids of today would talk more like this. (Maybe they would, in a certain context.)

"I'd like to find out what it means to be a human being." Yes.

Simon King said...

Ha, ha. I found parallels in the kid who says "I'm a bit selfish and egotistical. [...] Nonetheless, I'm quite a friendly person. It seems like a contradiction, I know, but it's true."

And these are answers people came up with when posed with very simple questions!

Sofia said...

Yes, I thought you would be able to identify with that! I do too.

Besides being asked the right questions, I think people need to be in the right context in order to give these kinds of answers. People often seem afraid to appear too serious in regular conversation.

Which reminds me of this brilliant spoken word performance: